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Blue Seal Evolution Series E91B - 900mm Electric Salamander
Blue Seal Evolution Series E91B - 900mm Electric Salamander

Blue Seal Evolution Series E91B - 900mm Electric Salamander

Blue Electric Salamander Grill
Prices from
2591.80 +VAT
€3,187.91 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
E91B - 900mm Electric Salamander
Product Code: E91B
SID: 49
W: 900mm D: 424mm H: 456mm
In Stock
RRP €3279.79
€2591.80 +VAT
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Technical Details
E91B - 900mm Electric Salamander
W: 900mm D: 424mm H: 456mm
Volume: 0.31m3
Packed Weight: 63kg

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E91B - 900mm Electric Salamander
E91B - 900mm Electric Salamander
The perfect assistant for breakfast, lunch or dinner services, the Blue Seal Evolution Series E91B electric salamander grill offers versatility, performance and quality in abundance. With two 3kW twin coil infrared elements and four shelf positions, the Blue Seal salamander helps you to achieve excellent results whether you're melting, grilling, gratinating or toasting food. The heavy duty stainless steel construction throughout ensures that this premium salamander grill is exceptionally hard wearing, yet still user friendly and easy to clean.
Product Features
900mm electric salamander
2 x 3kW infrared elements
Four position racking (flat or inclined)
Branding plate
Left and right heat controls
Monocoque construction
Suitable for bench or wall mounting
Removable base for Easy clean, installation and service

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