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Burcon DSK2 Soup Kettle
Burcon DSK2 Soup Kettle
Burcon DSK2 Soup Kettle
Burcon DSK2 Soup Kettle

Burcon DSK2 Soup Kettle

Burcon Soup Kettles
Prices from
146.30 +VAT
€179.95 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 27-03-2025 (1 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
DSK2 Soup Kettle Stainless Steel
Product Code: DSK2SS
SID: 15
Dimensions ( L x D x H mm ):
340 x 375 x 325 (H)
In Stock
RRP €154.00
€146.30 +VAT
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Technical Details
DSK2 Soup Kettle Stainless Steel
Temperature range: 30°C to 95°C optimum temperature for holding liquid items
Digitally controlled and digital display for proper monitoring
Insulated pot avoids heat loss
Flip lid with ladle notch for easy serving
No water required means no messing or slippery floor at the counter
Volume capacity: 11 liters
Color: Cream color exterior
Overall Dimensions: 375 mm Deep x 340 mm Wide x 325 mm High
DSK2 Soup Kettle Stainless Steel
DSK2 Soup Kettle Stainless Steel
Burcon commercial soup Kettle DSK2 is a very popular soup kettle in the commercial market. This soup Kettle is digitally controlled to set the temperature and monitor. The equipment has a dry well henceforth it does not require any water, and neither it is very messy around when you are serving the soup ideally from the front counter while displaying.
Product Features
Temperature range 30oC €“ 95oC
Digitally controlled
Insulated Pot
Flip lid with ladle notch
No water required
Built in design
Energy Saving
Colour cream

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