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Combisteel 4 Drawer Counter Fridge Side Motor
Combisteel 4 Drawer Counter Fridge Side Motor

Combisteel 4 Drawer Counter Fridge Side Motor

Combisteel 4 Drawers Counter Fridge
Prices from
2224.00 +VAT
€2,735.52 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 14-04-2025 (10 Day)
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Technical Details
Combisteel 4 Drawer Counter Fridge Side Motor
Product Code: 79500225
SID: 31
Size (H x W x D)::
850 x 1360 x 700
In Stock
RRP €2460.00
€2224.00 +VAT
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Technical Details
Combisteel 4 Drawer Counter Fridge Side Motor
Combisteel 4 Drawer Counter Fridge Side Motor
Combisteel 4 Drawer Counter Fridge Side Motor

This 4 drawer counter fridge from Combisteel is made from a full stainless teel construction and uses a tough sliding drawer system. The side mounted motor is an advantage where extra working space on top is required. This unit is also equipped with a ventialted cooling system for where operation is required in very hot kitchens.

Product Features
Stainless Steel 201 Interior
Energy Efficient R600 Refrigerant
Ventilated Cooling
Temperature range (°C) +2 to +8

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