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Emainox 48 X 2/1Gn Mobile Fan Assisted Heated Holding Cabinet - With Humidity
Emainox 48 X 2/1Gn Mobile Fan Assisted Heated Holding Cabinet - With Humidity

Emainox 48 X 2/1Gn Mobile Fan Assisted Heated Holding Cabinet - With Humidity

Emainox Hot Food Carts
Prices from
9908.54 +VAT
€12,187.50 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 14-03-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Emainox 48 X 2/1Gn Mobile Fan Assisted Heated Holding
Cabinet - With Humidity
Product Code: 8110110
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
1880 x 1400 x 940
In Stock
RRP €11663.92
€9908.54 +VAT
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Technical Details
Emainox 48 X 2/1Gn Mobile Fan Assisted Heated Holding
Cabinet - With Humidity
Will hold 48 x 2/1gn containers at 40mm centres
2 Independentley controlled cupboards - with stable doors
Dims; 1400w x 940d x 1880h
Electric; 4.4kw - 230v 13amp 20amp
Emainox 48 X 2/1Gn Mobile Fan Assisted Heated Holding
Cabinet - With Humidity
Emainox 48 X 2/1Gn Mobile Fan Assisted Heated Holding
Cabinet - With Humidity
These Emainox Rollyterm mobile heated holding cabinets are designed for keeping pre-cooked food warm in accordance with current HACCP requirements. The humidity system and fan assisted heating maintain product at optimum temperature and prevents product drying out. 
Product Features
Fan assisted heating system - can be used without heat, with heat and with heat plus humidity
2 Independentley controlled cupboards
Fitted with Stable doors to reduce heat loss when door is opened
Electronic controls keep accurate temperature control - with 9 programmable menu settings
Temperature range can be set between 60 - 90ºC - can also be used for slow cooking
Programmable humidity control allows you to set your humidity level depending on product
Completely insulated individual cavities provide maximum energy efficiency
Will hold 48 x 2/1gn containers at 40mm centres
Moulded pan supports and drain hole in base allow easy cleaning
Fitted with moulded plastic bumper rail and castors as standard - allows easy moving of appliance and reduces damage whilst in transport
Stainless steel construction throughout - easy to clean and durable

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