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Prisma DSA420TG Touch & Go Pizza Dough Roller
Prisma DSA420TG Touch & Go Pizza Dough Roller

Prisma DSA420TG Touch & Go Pizza Dough Roller

Prisma Dough Rollers
Prices from
1594.48 +VAT
€1,961.21 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Prisma DSA420TG Touch & Go Pizza Dough Roller
Product Code: DSA420TG
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
720 x 540 x 410
In Stock
RRP €1843.51
€1594.48 +VAT
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Technical Details
Prisma DSA420TG Touch & Go Pizza Dough Roller
Pizza diameter 260 - 400mm. Useable Dough weight 210 - 700 grams Pizza Thickness 1mm - 4mm
Dims; 540w x 410d x 720h
Automatic start/stop when dough is loaded
Prisma DSA420TG Touch & Go Pizza Dough Roller
Prisma DSA420TG Touch & Go Pizza Dough Roller
This Italian manufactured dough roller has automatic start/stop function with timer mode - this allows the machine to automatically switch on when you enter the dough into the hopper and shuts off after a pre-set time - this reduces running costs and also reduces component wear - machine can be used in "Continuous" mode if required.​
Product Features
Automatic start when dough is loaded into hopper
Will roll dough to produce a pizza base between 260 - 400mm. Thickness 1mm-4mm
Dough weight that can be loaded 210 - 700 grams
Adjustable timer 10 to 35 seconds - shuts off automatically after the pre-set time
Machine can be set to continuous mode
Top and bottom rollers can be adjusted to set different pizza base thickness

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