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Prisma PFPOAR - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Prisma PFPOAR - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine

Prisma PFPOAR - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine

Prisma Dough Divider & Rounder System
Prices from
12739.73 +VAT
€15,669.87 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Prisma PFPOAR300 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Product Code: PFPOAR300
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
1630 x 660 x 880
In Stock
RRP €15008.08
€12739.73 +VAT
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Technical Details
Prisma PFPOAR300 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Capacity - holds 30kg of unleavened dough 
Dough size - 50 to 300grams - output 700 x 250gr/hr
Dims;  660w x 880d x 1550h
Prisma PFPOAR300 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Prisma PFPOAR300 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Technical Details
Prisma PFPOAR800 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Product Code: PFPOAR800
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
1550 x 660 x 880
In Stock
RRP €19409.87
€16466.34 +VAT
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Technical Details
Prisma PFPOAR800 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Capacity - holds 30kg of unleavened dough 
Dough size - 50 to 900grams - output 700 x 250gr/hr, 350 x 500gr/hr, 200 x 900gr/hr
Dims;  660w x 880d x 1630h
Prisma PFPOAR800 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
Prisma PFPOAR800 - Dough Dividing And Rounding Machine
This Italian manufactured PFPOAR800 dough divding and rounding machine can be easily used by non-specialised operators and is designed to reduce man hours and produce consistent sized rounded dough balls.
Product Features
Dough capacity - Upper hopper will hold upto 30kg of non raised dough
Adjustable knife setting
Portion size - from 50 upto 900 grams
Cones - Supplied with 3 cones 250gr, 500gr, 900gr. Other cone options available please ring office for details.
Output - 700 x 250 gr/hr. 350 x 500 gr/hr or 200 x 900 gr/hr
Safety - Safety switches activate when the machine is opened and is fitted with an emergency stop button
Supplied with Stainless steel stand for rounding machine to sit underneath
Rounding machine is supplied with 3 interchengeable bells to suit cone size
Rounding machine is supplied with castors as standard

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