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Ubert WS2SH Warming Drawer With Humidity Control - 2 Drawers 1/1Gn Size
Ubert WS2SH Warming Drawer With Humidity Control - 2 Drawers 1/1Gn Size

Ubert WS2SH Warming Drawer With Humidity Control - 2 Drawers 1/1Gn Size

Ubert Food Warming Drawers
Prices from
4331.68 +VAT
€5,327.97 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
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Technical Details
Ubert WS2SH Warming Drawer With Humidity Control - 2 Drawers
1/1Gn Size
Product Code: WS2SH
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
551 x 462 x 642
In Stock
RRP €5076.63
€4331.68 +VAT
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Technical Details
Ubert WS2SH Warming Drawer With Humidity Control - 2 Drawers
1/1Gn Size
Smart Heat Technology with Independently Controlled Humidity system
Dims; 462w x 642d x 551h
Ubert WS2SH Warming Drawer With Humidity Control - 2 Drawers
1/1Gn Size
Ubert WS2SH Warming Drawer With Humidity Control - 2 Drawers
1/1Gn Size
This Ubert WS2SH double drawer warmers with Smart Heat technology and Independent humidity control will hold everything from meat to vegetables, including rolls. They are ideal for holding pre cooked products prior to service - making them ideal for Fast Food and QSR operations. 
Product Features
Smart Heat Technology - Thermostatically controlled Wrap around hidden heating elements gives gentle and even heating
The seperate water drawer at the base of the cabinet has a seperate heating element controlled by its own electronic control allowing you to set your own humidity level.
Holidng chamber is thermostatically controlled between a temperature range of 65 - 75ºC
Each warmer drawer will accept a 1/1gn pan upto 150mm deep (container not included)
The drawers have a steam release vent
Each drawer is supplied with heavy duty roll out slides - allowing quick and easy loading/Unloading
Stainless steel construction throughout - easy to clean and durable

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