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Ubert WSM Warming Drawer With Convected Heat - 2 X 1/1Gn Or 4 X 1/2Gn
Ubert WSM Warming Drawer With Convected Heat - 2 X 1/1Gn Or 4 X 1/2Gn

Ubert WSM Warming Drawer With Convected Heat - 2 X 1/1Gn Or 4 X 1/2Gn

Ubert Food Warming Drawers
Prices from
4397.58 +VAT
€5,409.02 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
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Technical Details
Ubert WSM Warming Drawer With Convected Heat - 2 X 1/1Gn Or
4 X 1/2Gn
Product Code: WSM
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
433 x 460 x 642
In Stock
RRP €5154.48
€4397.58 +VAT
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Technical Details
Ubert WSM Warming Drawer With Convected Heat - 2 X 1/1Gn Or
4 X 1/2Gn
Convected air technology keeps fried food hot and crispy. Each drawer is fitted with electronic temperature control and 2 timers with audible alarms. Ideally suited for fast food and food retailers.
Dims; 460w x 642d x 433h
Image shows WS1 model
Ubert WSM Warming Drawer With Convected Heat - 2 X 1/1Gn Or
4 X 1/2Gn
Ubert WSM Warming Drawer With Convected Heat - 2 X 1/1Gn Or
4 X 1/2Gn
This Ubert WSM counter top drawer warmers will hold everything from meat to vegetables, including rolls. They are ideal for holding pre cooked products prior to service - making them ideal for Fast Food and QSR operations. They can be simply "plugged in" and are easy to move making them ideal for outside caterers.
Product Features
Slow convected heat to all drawers keeps product warm and prevents products drying out
Each drawer has electronic controls keeping accurate temperature control and allows different products to be held in each drawer
2 timers and alarms are fitted to each drawer allowing you to have 2 x 1/2gn containers per drawer increasing flexibility
Temperature range can be set between 60 - 90ºC - can also be used for slow cooking
Completely insulated individual cavities provide maximum energy efficiency
Each drawer will hold a 1/1gn container - 150mm deep, (not included)
Compact size allows easy moving of appliance
Stainless steel construction throughout - easy to clean and durable

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