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WECK Jar Clamps (Set of 8pcs)
WECK Jar Clamps (Set of 8pcs)

WECK Jar Clamps (Set of 8pcs)

WECK Glass Jars
Prices from
6.61 +VAT
€8.13 inc vat
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WECK Jar Clamps (Set of 8pcs)
Product Code: weckcl1Z
SID: 74
Set of 8pcs
Out of Stock
RRP €7.93
€6.61 +VAT
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Technical Details
WECK Jar Clamps (Set of 8pcs)
WECK Jar Clamps (Set of 8pcs)
WECK Jar Clamps (Set of 8pcs)

The Jar Heroes, also known as the Weck Jar Clamps, are an essential for any food business looking to offer a unique presentation while also ensuring the freshness of their products. These clamps, sold in sets of 8, are traditionally utilized for preserving products but also find their utility in presenting a variety of items - from salads, starters, to decadent desserts and rich sauces. Each piece is designed to be used alongside Weck jars, which are sold separately with their corresponding lids. The clamps work hand in hand with rubber seals to form an airtight seal, crucial for maintaining the freshness and integrity of your food items, thus eliminating the potential for waste and ensuring your customers experience your dishes at their peak freshness and flavor. The Weck Jar Clamps are a masterclass in versatility and functionality, which are the hallmarks of any Caterboss product. Let these unassuming heroes elevate the presentation of your food items while ensuring the quality is preserved. Caterboss is committed to supplying the top-tier catering equipment that helps your business stand out and deliver unparalleled quality to your customers.

Product Features
For use with Weck jars to create an airtight seal

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