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CB E-8P-S2 - 2 spit Electric Chicken rotisserie
CB E-8P-S2 - 2 spit Electric Chicken rotisserie

CB E-8P-S2 - 2 spit Electric Chicken rotisserie

CB Freestanding Electric Rotisserie Ovens
Prices from
2936.48 +VAT
€3,611.87 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 03-04-2025 (4 Day)
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Technical Details
CB E-8P-S2 2 spit Electric Chicken rotisserie
Product Code: CBE8P-S2
SID: 16
880w x 470d x 530h
In Stock
RRP €3428.66
€2936.48 +VAT
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Technical Details
CB E-8P-S2 2 spit Electric Chicken rotisserie
CB E-8P-S2 2 spit Electric Chicken rotisserie
CB E-8P-S2 2 spit Electric Chicken rotisserie
CB E8P-S2 electric rotisserie, compact design can sit on work top - Single spit action, can be used to cook a variety of products, chicken portions, meat joints, vegetable etc by simply changing the type of spit used.
Product Features
Compact size makes it ideal for counter top siting
Capacity - 8 x 1.2kg birds on 2 spits
Fitted with side opening hinged glass doors to front with solid back
Glass doors reduce heat loss helping to reduce energy consumption
Possibility to cook on half load - reduces energy consumption
Fitted with interior light
Easy to clean
Please ring office for other spit options
Electric - 3.5kw 230v - 15 amp

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