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Parry QLD2 - Electric Quartz Lamp Display Unit
Parry QLD2 - Electric Quartz Lamp Display Unit

Parry QLD2 - Electric Quartz Lamp Display Unit

Parry Heated Gantry
Prices from
949.22 +VAT
€1,167.54 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 02-04-2025 (5 Day)
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Technical Details
Parry QLD2 - Electric Quartz Lamp Display Unit
Product Code: QLD2
SID: 90
Size (H x W x D)::
547 x 825 x 505
In Stock
RRP €1196.71
€949.22 +VAT
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Technical Details
Parry QLD2 - Electric Quartz Lamp Display Unit
400W base element
2 x 300W quartz heat lamps
Manufactured from high grade stainless steel
Supplied with a 13 amp plug
WEIGHT 17 kg
(W x D x H) 825 x 505 x 547 mm

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Parry QLD2 - Electric Quartz Lamp Display Unit
Parry QLD2 - Electric Quartz Lamp Display Unit
Parry QLD2 is an electric quartz lamp display unit that offers superior lighting solutions to any business or retail environment. This unit is designed with a modern aesthetic that can help to create an inviting and attractive atmosphere. It's easy to install and comes with a variety of features that make it a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and stylish lighting solution.
Product Features
400W base element
2 x 300W quartz heat lamps
Manufactured from high grade stainless steel
Supplied with a 13 amp plug

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