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Chefsrange PP3C+ Compact 3 Door Pizza Prep Counter
Chefsrange PP3C+ Compact 3 Door Pizza Prep Counter

Chefsrange PP3C+ Compact 3 Door Pizza Prep Counter

Chefsrange 3 Door Pizza Fridge
Prices from
1856.36 +VAT
€2,283.32 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 04-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Chefsrange PP3C+ - Compact 3 Door Pizza Prep Counter
Product Code: PP3DCPLUS
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
1435 x 1365 x 700
In Stock
RRP €2152.84
€1856.36 +VAT
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Technical Details
Chefsrange PP3C+ - Compact 3 Door Pizza Prep Counter
Topping well will hold 6 x 1/4gn Containers
Temperature range;  -2/+8°C
Dims; 1365 x 700 x 1435h.  Supplied with castors as standard.
Chefsrange PP3C+ - Compact 3 Door Pizza Prep Counter
Chefsrange PP3C+ - Compact 3 Door Pizza Prep Counter
This Chefsrange PP3C+ Is a Compact 3 door Pizza prep counter makes an ideal addition to your pizza kitchen. The refrigerated display well allows you to keep ingredients chilled ready for loading onto the pizza base, whilst the granite worktop allows you to work the pizza dough ready for cooking.
Product Features
Topping Well - Holds 6 x 1/4gn Containers upto 150mm deep - Containers are not included in price
Temperature range 0/+8ºC
Refrigeration system - Static inbuilt evaporator with fan assisted cooling - Static wall cooling in the Topping well - Max ambient temperature 38°C
Refrigerant - R600a
Defrost - automatic off cycle defrost
Controls - Dixell Electronic controls
Capacity - Will accept 1/1gn trays/shelves - supplied with 1 shelf per door section
Granite Worktop is supplied with splashback as standard to sides and rear - working area 673mm deep
Construction - 304 Stainless steel to exterior (including back) and interior.
Insulation - 50mm thick - CFC free polyurethane
Gaskets - Easily replaceable, with magnetic sealing
Supplied with 4" castors as standard
UK plug fitted

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