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Combisteel Hot Cupboard 1000 Revolving Door
Combisteel Hot Cupboard 1000 Revolving Door

Combisteel Hot Cupboard 1000 Revolving Door

Combisteel Hot Cupboards
Prices from
1220.50 +VAT
€1,501.22 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 09-04-2025 (10 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Hot Cupboard 1000 Revolving Door
Product Code: 74520110
SID: 31
Size (H x W x D)::
850 x 1000 x 700
In Stock
RRP €1345.00
€1220.50 +VAT
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Technical Details
Hot Cupboard 1000 Revolving Door
Electrical power (kW) : 2,4
Voltage (Volt) : 230
Depth (mm) : 700
Width (mm) : 1000
Height (mm) : 850
Gross Weight (kg) : 88
Hot Cupboard 1000 Revolving Door
Hot Cupboard 1000 Revolving Door
Combination holding and proofing cabinets are necessary in any foodservice establishment that makes fresh bread, dinner rolls, cinnamon buns, and other pastries. These cabinets are designed to reach the temperature and humidity levels required for dough to properly rise before it’s baked. Additionally, our holding proofing cabinets can hold one temperature for long periods of time, allowing you to make your food and then keep it hot until your service is ready.
Product Features
Solid Contruction
Stainless Steel Standing Material
Revolving Door
Accurate Thermostat
1 Shelf
2,4 kW Electrical Power
Voltage 230 Volt

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