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INOMAK RE319-1 Single Gantry 1890mm Wide
INOMAK RE319-1 Single Gantry 1890mm Wide

INOMAK RE319-1 Single Gantry 1890mm Wide

INOMAK Service & Cooking Equipment
Prices from
736.83 +VAT
€906.30 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 02-04-2025 (4 Day)
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Technical Details
INOMAK RE319-1 Single Gantry 1890mm Wide
Product Code: RE319-1
SID: 4
Size (H x W x D)::
465 x 1890 x 333
In Stock
RRP €776.92
€736.83 +VAT
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Technical Details
INOMAK RE319-1 Single Gantry 1890mm Wide
Size (H x W x D) (mm): 465 x 1890 x 333
Weight (kg): 10.50
Finish: Stainless Steel
GTIN: 5212016702549
Commodity Code: 9403208000
Country of Origin: EL
INOMAK RE319-1 Single Gantry 1890mm Wide
INOMAK RE319-1 Single Gantry 1890mm Wide
The RE319 gantries make an ideal addition to any heated cupboard or counter setup, with options available for any size configuration imaginable. Constructed with high-grade AISI 304 stainless steel, the gantries can be single or double stacked. Additionally, they can be equipped with heated boxes that provide both heat and light to the unit below. Items can be ordered separately or fitted before dispatch by our service engineers for an additional cost upon application.
Product Features
High grade AISI 304 stainless steel exterior and interior
Designed to fit Inomak hot cupboards ambient cupboards and open type bain maries

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