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Mirror Clam10 RC Floorstanding Clam Griddle
Mirror Clam10 RC Floorstanding Clam Griddle

Mirror Clam10 RC Floorstanding Clam Griddle

Mirror Clam Griddles
Prices from
13020.39 +VAT
€16,015.08 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
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Technical Details
Mirror Clam10 RC Floorstanding Clam Griddle
Product Code: CLAM10RC
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
870 x 525 x 920
In Stock
RRP €15339.58
€13020.39 +VAT
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Technical Details
Mirror Clam10 RC Floorstanding Clam Griddle
Price includes Clam top with programmable controls - automatic lift at end of cooking time.
Griddle width = 400 x 600mm
Dims; 525w x 920d x 870h (1700h when clam open)
Mirror Clam10 RC Floorstanding Clam Griddle
Mirror Clam10 RC Floorstanding Clam Griddle
This thermostatically controlled Mirror Clam 10 RC hi speed clam griddle is ideal for fast food operators, mobile trailers and other high volume caterers. The clam top opens automatically at the end of the cooking time and adjusts to the thickness of the product being cooked. The hard chromed plate finish is non porous so prevents cross flavour, reduces heat radiation so reducing fuel costs, has even heat distribution and is easy to clean down. 
Product Features
Clam top automatically adjusts in height to the thickness of the food being cooked
Clam top automatically opens at the end of the cooking cycle
Electronic controls to Clam and griddle plate upto 300ºC - 9 programmable menus can be set
Fully Hard Chromed Mirror finish cooking surface - reduces heat loss and is easy to clean
Griddle area 400 x 600mm
Fitted with side and rear splashguards
All models are supplied with 1 grease drawer
Heavy duty 304 stainless steel body - makes it durable and easy to clean.
Supplied on castors as standard

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