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Rollero 19.RL2 - Croissant Rolling Machine
Rollero 19.RL2 - Croissant Rolling Machine

Rollero 19.RL2 - Croissant Rolling Machine

Rollero Dough Rollers
Prices from
2941.14 +VAT
€3,617.60 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 02-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Rollero 19.RL2 - Croissant Rolling Machine
Product Code: 19RL2
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
260 x 310 x 460
In Stock
RRP €3434.17
€2941.14 +VAT
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Technical Details
Rollero 19.RL2 - Croissant Rolling Machine
Output - upto 1800 pieces/hour - can be used for rolling similar products not just croissants
Dims; 310w x 460d x 260h
Rollero 19.RL2 - Croissant Rolling Machine
Rollero 19.RL2 - Croissant Rolling Machine
The Rollero is a croissant rolling machine that can quickly make croissants aswell as similar products just by placing a dough triangle on the dedicated conveyor belt.
Product Features
Just one operator is required
Compatible with different thickness from 3 to 5MM
Output - upto 1800 pieces per hour
Removable conveyor belt for easy cleaning
Fitted with emergency stop button.

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