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Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cube Machine18kg
Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cube Machine18kg

Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cube Machine18kg

Simag Ice Cube Machine
Prices from
1393.90 +VAT
€1,714.50 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cuber 18kg
Product Code: SDE18
SID: 4
Size (H x W x D)::
554 mm x 334 mm x 457 mm
In Stock
RRP €1540.80
€1393.90 +VAT
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Technical Details
Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cuber 18kg
Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cuber 18kg
Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cuber 18kg

The Simag SDE18 Self-contained Ice Cube Machine is a compact and efficient ice maker capable of producing up to 18 kg of ice per day. This unit is self-contained, making it ideal for use in a variety of settings, including small restaurants, bars, hotels, and more. The SDE18 features an easy-to-use digital control panel and a large ice storage bin for convenient ice access.

Product Features
High grade 441 stainless steel bodywork scotch brite
Air cooled water cooled available poa
Vertical pump
Main switch onoff
Built in cleaning system
Easily accessible components
Low power and water consumption
Optimum ratio between ice production and bin capacity

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