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Simag SPR80 Intergral Flaked Ice Machine 70kg
Simag SPR80 Intergral Flaked Ice Machine 70kg

Simag SPR80 Intergral Flaked Ice Machine 70kg

Simag Ice Flake Makers
Prices from
3601.72 +VAT
€4,430.12 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Simag SPR80 Intergral Ice Flaker 70kg
Product Code: SPR80
SID: 4
Size (H x W x D)::
880 mm x 529 mm x 626 mm
In Stock
RRP €4003.20
€3601.72 +VAT
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Technical Details
Simag SPR80 Intergral Ice Flaker 70kg
Simag SPR80 Intergral Ice Flaker 70kg
Simag SPR80 Intergral Ice Flaker 70kg

Simag commercial ice flaker available in three sizes producing flaked ice for a wide range of uses. Stainless steel design and supplied with 2 years full warranty.

Product Features
High grade 441 stainless steel (scoth brite) exterior
Food safe plastic interior
Front vented can be built in
Electronic controls
Produces flaked ice
Air cooled (water cooled version avaliable poa)
Easily accessible components
Refrigerant r134a

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