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Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill

Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill

Sunstone Sunstone Cabinets
Prices from
2837.17 +VAT
€3,489.72 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 02-04-2025 (3 Day)
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Technical Details
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Product Code: SAC30KBDC
SID: 34
Size (H x W x D)::
In Stock
RRP €3057.23
€2837.17 +VAT
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Technical Details
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
The 30 In. The Sunstone combo Kamado hybrid power burner base cabinet, provides a single cabinet you can use in multiple configurations. The cabinet comes with the main front trim-kit faceplate; with this you can place a Kamado with access to lower ashtray with the bottom vented door panel. From here you have the option of several front panel mounts including a floating shelf giving you extra work area or a speed rail shelf for extra front-loaded storage. By removing the center top panel allows you to install our Sunstone power cirque burner, or additionally remove the bottom vent door panel to allow larger Kamado extra front bulge. For shorter height Kamado, insert the optional 2 In. riser platform which functions in conjunction with the main front panel installed. Always take advantage of the included measurement guide mat placing below Kamado, it allows for perfect centering and protection of the finish below.
Product Features
For Sunstone Cabinet for Kamado / Grill
Stainless Steel Build Material
Removable Centertop Panel
Bottom Vented Door

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