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Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel

Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel

Sunstone Sunstone Cabinets
Prices from
2075.92 +VAT
€2,553.38 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 02-04-2025 (3 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Product Code: SUNFR401
SID: 34
Size (H x W x D)::
52,10W x 57,80D x 85,10H
In Stock
RRP €2231.23
€2075.92 +VAT
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Technical Details
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
Sunstone Outdoor Fridge | Weatherproof Stainless Steel
With this 304 stainless steel Outdoor Refrigerator there is no more running to the house for more drinks or food. Temperature can adjust from 2ºC to 10ºC and has a large capacity for a variety of beverages and food chilled until they are ready to be served. You can even put the fridge side by side with our ice machine or wine fridge This refrigerator will take your Sunstone Outdoor Kitchen to another level.
Product Features
Interior Light
Electronic controller
Stainless steel body, door and handle
Reversible door
Adjustable feet
--Outdoor Rated
Product Dimensions (cm): 52,10W x 57,80D x 85,10H Cut Out Dimensions (cm): 54W x 60D x 87,31H

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