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Tecnoinox SEL2/2 Pass Thru Electric Salamander Grill
Tecnoinox SEL2/2 Pass Thru Electric Salamander Grill

Tecnoinox SEL2/2 Pass Thru Electric Salamander Grill

Tecnoinox Electric Salamander Grill
Prices from
1919.41 +VAT
€2,360.87 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
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Technical Details
Tecnoinox SEL2/2 Pass Thru Electric Salamander Grill
Product Code: SEL22
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
350 x 750 x 400
In Stock
RRP €2227.31
€1919.41 +VAT
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Technical Details
Tecnoinox SEL2/2 Pass Thru Electric Salamander Grill
Grilling area 575 x 400mm  
Electric; 4kw - 230v 20 amp 
Dims; 750w x 400d x 350h
Tecnoinox SEL2/2 Pass Thru Electric Salamander Grill
Tecnoinox SEL2/2 Pass Thru Electric Salamander Grill
Tecnoinox SEL2/2 is a Medium duty pass thru electric salamander grill with height adjustable grilling plate. It is ideal for placing between the kitchen and waiter pic up point.
Product Features
Height adjustable grilling tray - 8 eight settings
Grilling area - 575 x 400 will take 1/1gn tray
Two indpendently controlled heating elements allows you to use half or full grilling width
Incoloy heating element for long life span
Easy clean - Elements can be tilted for easy cleaning
Slide out drip tray with non tip feature
Supplied with removable stainless steel tray and chrome grilling rack - with security lock to prevent tray tipping
304 stainless steel construction - foodsafe, easy to clean and durable
Supplied with 4 nylon height adjustable feet for counter top standing

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