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Tefcold PDC Range Spider Fridge Impulse
Tefcold PDC Range Spider Fridge Impulse

Tefcold PDC Range Spider Fridge Impulse

Tefcold Spider Fridges
Prices from
4343.27 +VAT
€5,342.22 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 02-04-2025 (4 Day)
Product Range
Technical Details
Tefcold PDC125 Spider Fridge
Product Code: PDC125
SID: 3
Size (H x W x D)::
971mm x 1250mm 1203mm
In Stock
RRP €4586.26
€4343.27 +VAT
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Technical Details
Tefcold PDC125 Spider Fridge
Tefcold PDC125 Spider Fridge
Tefcold PDC125 Spider Fridge

Medium sized black impulse cooler ideal as island display. Product visibility is great - all sides are glass - plus it has a high loading line compared to many other similar units. The PDC range is great for supermarkets, petrol stations, convenience stores and cafeterias for e.g berries, fruit, vegetables, sandwiches or other take away. It has stainless steel bumper bars as standard for protection and easy handling of the cooling unit. Moving it around on the solid castors is easy, so it can easily be moved to a different location in the store. The design is also optimized for two units to be placed next to each other in a line, if needed. Cooling is ventilated. Guided airflow ensures an even distribution of the cooling effect.  

Product Features
Open top for easy access to products
Glass sides for better presentation of products
Impressive storage space
Ventilated cooling
Optimized airflow for stable temperature
Strong wheels for mobility
Bumper bars
Top can be tilted by 11 degrees (PDC125-P only)
Optional sliding glass lids

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