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Valko SG1 Thermo-Tray Sealing Machine
Valko SG1 Thermo-Tray Sealing Machine

Valko SG1 Thermo-Tray Sealing Machine

Valko Tray Sealing Machines
Prices from
3669.86 +VAT
€4,513.93 inc vat
Earliest Possible Delivery is 01-04-2025 (4 Day)
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Technical Details
Valko SG1 Thermo-Tray Sealing Machine
Product Code: SG1
SID: 16
Size (H x W x D)::
320 x 340 x 540
In Stock
RRP €4294.91
€3669.86 +VAT
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Technical Details
Valko SG1 Thermo-Tray Sealing Machine
Maximum impression size is 210 x 210 x 90mm high.
Can be used with a single tray or twin tray die
Dims; 340w x 540d x 320h
Electric; 0.6kw- 230v
Watch the video for operation
Valko SG1 Thermo-Tray Sealing Machine
Valko SG1 Thermo-Tray Sealing Machine
Valko SG1 Compact counter top tray sealing machine, ideal for storing pre-prepared foodstuffs in a hygienic manner - trays allow easy stacking saving space in refrigerators whilst the clear top allows easy viewing - ideal for retail outlets, restaurants and hotels - these are not vacuum packed tray sealers so storage time is as standard storage.​
Product Features
Choice of dies to suit your requirement - see brochure in download (dies are not included in price)
Simple to use - select die, fill tray with contents, push tray inwards - pull lever down so films covers the tray, the machine will heat seal the tray
Roll width is 220mm max diameter 200mm
Teflon coated aluminium plate - easy to wipe down
Electronic control of the plate temperature 0 - 200ºC
Acoustic adjustable timer for sealing time
Second die storage housing
Stainless steel construction
All stainless steel construction
Automatic feed of the roller
Special made die can be made on request - please ring office for prices
Valko can supply a range of trays and film - please ring office

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